And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” - Luke 23:42

Why should God die for me?

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A good leader should fight for his people; why should God die and tell me I saved you through my death?

Answer: Dear New Friend, you are so RIGHT when you stated, ‘A good leader should fight for his people.’

Let’s visit together and develop your statement and question to its inescapable conclusion by making another statement with a question which naturally follows: It would be to utmost foolishness for a General NOT TO CONSIDER what he thought was exactly needed to defeat the enemy forces AND ATTEMPT TO MINIMIZE THE LOSSES TO HIS OWN FORCES AND PEOPLE?

What military General would ever go into a battle without FIRST determining a Battle Plan and counting the potential loss of lives in the conflict?

Your greatest enemy and my greatest enemy is Death. No one escapes this enemy. We ALL must understand there are two possible deaths for humanity:

1.) Inescapable, physical death of the body. 2.) Eternal Death of the soul after the physical death of the body. This eternal death of the soul is escapable because the Greatest of all Leaders died in our place to make this certain to those who trust and love the Leader who died for us.

2.) Creator Holy God allowed His creatures to exercise a “free-will” choice in part so they could voluntarily choose to love their Creator. At the same time God understood that many of His creatures would choose to love SELF over GOD. Because of self love, they would come to hate God. Then they would choose to rebel against His Laws of Love, the interaction between God and man and man to man.

As the Creator / Leader with perfect wisdom God understood Death would become man’s greatest enemy and greatest fear. He also understood perfectly that there could only be ONE POSSIBLE AVENUE available to defeat Death. This one and only avenue was if He voluntarily out of perfect love would offer Himself in death so that death could be forever defeated for those who would love His Son Jesus Christ.

What human General, when given the choice, would choose such a sacrifice when faced with this ultimate decision: You can die for billions of your people, or you can live for a few more years but it will cost billions of your people dying forever? Only one Leader did this, Jesus Christ, who perfectly loved you and me!

  • John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
  • 1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.

Your question is a good one for it highlights this great leader who saves His people from the 2nd death. Death of the soul separated from God forever in unbearable pain and misery.

One perfect Man, Jesus Christ, chose to die so that many may be saved from eternal death. Now the next logical question is what are you personally going to do with this information? Will you choose to love and worship the One who died for you so that you could live a joy filled eternity with Him?

If something in your heart stirred when you read my reply, please open the link to our video 3 Crosses . . only 2 Criminals. In that video you find all these truths explained in great love. The Holy Spirit is now speaking to you through these words in the Bible to reveal the answer to your question: Why should God, the Son, Jesus Christ die and tell me that He died for me?

He died because that was the ONLY WAY DEATH, man’s greatest enemy could be defeated.

Love of God –

Please, if you are so encouraged, after viewing the video, write back and tell us what happened in your heart as you viewed each scene.

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