February 7, 2025
“Who then can be saved?”
Read: Exodus 25, 26; Psalm 38; Matthew 19:16-30.
Scripture: Matthew 19:25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” 26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Observation: Jesus’ disciples who heard the conversation between the rich young man and Jesus might have been surprised to hear how he answered the rich man. Here, we see a man who wants to know what he has to do to earn eternal life. Jesus’ response made the rich man sad, so he went away. Jesus told the rich man what he really lacks to enter eternal life. He wanted to earn it through his works and was not ready to receive it as a gift. However, it seems Jesus’s disciples did not understand Jesus’ answer. So they asked, “Who then can be saved?” Sometimes, we also think like the disciples of Jesus. When we think of the salvation of any of our relatives, friends, or family members, Jesus will give the same answer even today, “With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”
Application: I need to remember that I am saved by God’s grace, not by any of my works. God wants me to keep him at the center of my life and commit to following him every day. Further, God can save any person; nothing is impossible for him. Instead of looking at the difficulties and hindrances for a person to be saved, I should look at the almighty God who wants everyone to be saved. He is able!
Prayer: Jesus, I come to you today and want to follow you in my life every day. Keep me close to you. Help me to put aside my self-righteousness that hinders me from loving and trusting you. Amen.
✍️: Arputharaj Samuel
📕: Quiet Time Companion
🗓️ Day – 38