And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” - Luke 23:42

I find true peace within the Bible…

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I find true peace within the Bible and Christianity, so what reasons are  there for me to embrace Islam?

Your question is very easy to answer. There is absolutely NO REASON to embrace Islam.

Islam is a “works-based” religious system meaning a follower must OBEY certain requirements and perform certain works to “possibly be judged faithful to have an eternal life of joy and peace. In such false religious systems the followers are never certain “when they die if their eternal destination is hell or heaven.”

Christ-followers are given the Spirit of Christ in a “new spiritual birth experience”, thus, their eternal salvation and destiny has been purchased and guaranteed NOT BY THEIR OWN WORKS OR MERITS but guaranteed by Jesus Christ, Himself, who died to forever seal their place in God’s eternal family.

Christ-followers receive the GIFT of salvation through the GIFTS of faith, repentance and belief in the “life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ” back to God the Father.

Salvation is totally dependent upon Jesus’ finished work, His substitutionary death on the cross some 2000 years ago. God the Father announced to all humanity that He accepted Jesus’ death as our own death which we rightly earned by our sin and rebellion.

Yes, Christianity and Islam share common names of historical figures but totally disagree about Jesus Christ.

What you believe to be true about Jesus Christ and the discarding of anything untrue about Jesus is the most important thought you will ever have because it determines your eternal destiny, either heaven or hell.

We prayed for you as we completed this note. If you would like us to continue to pray for you, please inform us of that request.

The Love of God –
No Other Name –

All our love to you and yours, In Christ –

Jon + Philis + Friends @

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