February 2, 2025
Who is like you, Lord?
Read: Exodus 15, 16; Psalm 33; Matthew 17:1-13.
Scripture: Exodus 15:11 Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
Observation: When Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to send the Israelites to worship the LORD, Pharaoh’s response was, “Who is the LORD...I do not know the Lord, and I will not let Israel go” (Exo.5:1,2). Then, the LORD sent plagues upon the Egyptians, which displayed the mighty power of the LORD against all the Egyptian gods. When God repeatedly said, “The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD,” it was God’s response to Pharaoh’s remark that he does not know the LORD. As we read in the book of Exodus, no power and no magicians could stand against God the LORD.
Here in three phrases, this ancient song briefly summarizes the entire episode of God’s mighty acts of deliverance that the LORD is “majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders.” I do not know whether anyone could make an accurate description of the LORD better than this one. When we ask ourselves, “Who is like you, Lord, the only possible answer would be, “There is none like you.”
Application: My God is able to deliver his people from any situation and make others understand that HE is the LORD. However, I need to obey God and follow his instructions to see his mighty acts in my life. Above all, he is the “Holy One of Israel.” God works in my life and works through me to manifest his glory and power to make others understand who he is! Nothing is impossible for him. I must allow God to use my life to help others to know that HE IS THE LORD.
Prayer: Oh, Holy God, Thank you for saving me from the bondage of sin by your love and accepting me with your outstretched arms. Help me to live holy, give your strength to praise you always, and tell others about your wonderful works in my life. Amen.
✍️: Arputharaj Samuel
📕: Quiet Time Companion
🗓️ Day – 33