February 21, 2025
A wake-up call
Read: Leviticus 13, 14; Psalm 52; Matthew 26:36-75
Scripture: Matthew 26: 69 Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. “You also were with Jesus of Galilee,” she said. 70 But he denied it before them all. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said...” 72 He denied it again, with an oath: “I don’t know the man!”...74 Then he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know the man!” Immediately a rooster crowed. 75 Then Peter remembered the word... And he went outside and wept bitterly.
Observation: When we read the denial of Peter, we wonder how come a person who boldly declared that " “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you” could completely deny Jesus. Some think Peter's denial was worse than Judas Iscariot’s betrayal. We read how Peter progressively denied Jesus when sitting in the courtyard. He was there to see what would happen to Jesus. Many false witnesses came forward before the Sanhedrin; they said many things against Jesus and distorted or misrepresented what Jesus had spoken earlier.
Here, we see a false witness who spoke against himself and his conscience. After knowing the plan of the Sanhedrin to kill Jesus, Peter might have been afraid of the possible punishment for being a disciple of Jesus. However, a rooster gave him a wake-up call, and he remembered Jesus and his words. Peter no longer sat in that place but wept bitterly as he was repenting from his grievous act of denying Jesus. Concerning these tears of repentance, Spurgeon says, "True repentance is always the gift of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit in the soul.
*Application* Did I ever disown Jesus through my words, actions, and in my thoughts? It may be easy to sing of my commitment and dedication to the Lord during Sunday worship and in songs. I may even sing that I will live faithfully for the Lord God throughout my life. However, in testing times, during temptations, and when I face opposing environments, what I do will speak louder than my words. Peter's repentance helped him come back and dedicate his life to the cause he was called for. At times, I may have to face situations like this to speak against my beliefs and conscience. Instead of denying the Lord, I should deny any opportunities to those temptations. I should seek the help of Jesus.
Prayer* Father God, help me be strong and bold to testify my faith in you in any situation. Amen.
✍️: Arputharaj Samuel
📕: Quiet Time Companion
🗓️ Day – 52